Friday, July 5, 2013

The Middle Man

In our last post we made a reference to Charlie’s Angels and we would like to continue with that theme. In Charlie’s Angels the girls never saw Charlie, they only heard him through a speaker, but he did not leave them completely alone. There was a middle man, Bosley, who helped the girls carry out Charlie’s wishes and commands. We are of course likening God to Charlie, the girls to us and Bosley to………….the Holy Spirit.

So why is the Holy Spirit important? Like Bosley, the Holy Spirit is there to help you navigate through God’s plan for you. The Holy Spirit is there to interpret God’s will and direction, to comfort and encourage in difficult times, to prepare you for the task at hand and to make sure the mission is completed. The Holy Spirit is our only physical link to God, just like Bosley was the angel’s only physical link to Charlie. Let us explain how the Holy Spirit is a physical link to God. We are not implying that you are going to see the Holy Spirit walk through your door, but you will see the physical evidence of the Holy Spirit in your character. What will the physical evidence of the Holy Spirit look like?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Galatians 5:22 (KJV)

These attributes, which are physically evident, are a result of the Holy Spirit writing God’s laws in our hearts and filling us with God’s love. When we are filled with God’s love and have His laws written on our hearts, following His laws are no longer an obligation but an impulse. They become our desire.

The Holy Spirit is a necessity in our lives. If there is no seed planted, then nothing can grow. If we do not accept the Holy Spirit, God cannot enter. When we do not allow the Holy Spirit to transform us, when we do not allow God to enter we are committing spiritual suicide. The Holy Spirit is vital to us because when Jesus returns, He will be looking for Himself contained within us. His carbon print in us is purity and that can only be attained through the daily workings of the Holy Spirit.

To being wise,

Meredith, Jennifer and Marisa


  1. Yea Bosley is just like the holy spirit. I like when you said his laws are an impulse. It's natural to brush my teeth every morning so I dont have to remind myself in writing it down. This is a really good post. When's the next 1 coming out?

  2. Hey Hannah,

    Thanks for responding! We are working everyday to making God a priority. We want to get to the point where communing with God is second nature.

    Hannah, our posts come out every other Friday at 4:00 PM. Like us on facebook and keep commenting! Glad you are enjoying our blog.

    M J M
