Friday, March 1, 2013

Life in Transition

Wouldn’t it be strange if a friend came to you and revealed that they were using the same toothbrush that they had since the 1st grade or that you had a friend who never left the 5th grade or that you knew someone who never managed to learn how to tie their shoelaces. You would find it strange that they had not managed to go through the normal progression of maturity and change. Everything about our lives is in constant motion and constant progression. We are always getting older, we are always learning and we are always moving. So why is it ok for our relationship with Christ to be stationary? If you are not getting closer to Christ, you are getting further away from him because there is no such thing as being stationary. If Christ is the new life, then if you are not getting closer to Him, you are getting closer to death.

If you are not growing in Christ, you are dying.

“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:3 & 4 NIV

The three of us were born into this church. We know all about Seventh-day Adventism and all of the customs and beliefs. We have accepted these customs and beliefs and we live our lives by them. For a long time our view of the church was through our parents’ eyes. It always felt like their church, their customs and their beliefs. It felt like it was their God. And while we believed in the message and we believed in Him, we did not know Him for ourselves.

Our parents have inspired us, their connection with God is something we came to yearn for. Not until a few years ago did we decide that we wanted it to be our church, our customs and beliefs, our God.

To being wise,

Meredith, Jennifer and Marisa

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