Friday, June 21, 2013


Your hand shoots out and fumbles in the darkness to shut off the alarm. Consciousness dawns and you try to open your eyes. What are your first thoughts? Work? Deadlines? Financial concerns? Pressing appointments? Staying in bed and ignoring the world? We propose a different scenario.

Your hand shoots out and fumbles in the darkness to shut off the alarm. Consciousness dawns and you try to open your eyes. And you are overwhelmed with feelings of peace, joy and even excitement. What are your first thoughts? God. His blessings. His goodness. His provision. His protection. His unconditional love. With this overwhelming gratitude you spring out of bed for your divine appointment.

“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:2 – 6 (ESV)

In a previous post we talked about baptism and how that act is symbolic of allowing our old life in sin to die and rising as a new person in Christ. Choosing to be baptized is acknowledging that our sinful lives are leading to death and only in Christ is there life. A life in Christ is a life that has been freed from sin, freed from death. After that step has been made the journey in being a new person requires a partnership with Christ. That partnership means never being alone, which is a comforting and joyful thought. But it also means that your life is not about you anymore, it is all about Christ.

Humor us as we divert on a fun tangent. Remember Charlie’s Angels? Three fabulous women who devoted their entire lives to the missions and requests of a man they never met. Their entire existence was affected by their devotion to Charlie, they served him without question. Just like the Angels, every aspect of our lives and daily objectives should reflect our servitude to Christ.

6:05am. Good morning God! You are amazing and words cannot describe how unworthy I am and how loving and forgiving you are in spite of this. I ask today that Your Holy Spirit comes into my heart. Help me to yield to Your will and not to my own. What is your instruction for today? I am ready and willing.

To being wise,

Meredith, Jennifer and Marisa

Beep! Beep! BEEP!!!

The alarm goes off at 6:00am. Stumble to the bathroom, wash your face, brush your teeth and comb your hair. Pick an outfit and apply your make-up (or not if you are a guy). Grab something for breakfast and throw something together for lunch. Hello world! You are ready for your day. But hold on, what about your spiritual preparation?

In the next few posts we are going to be writing about preparing ourselves for our spiritual daily routine and keeping our lives spiritually healthy. These are things that have personally helped us with our spiritual journey and in sharing with you we hope that we can encourage and inspire you.

To being wise,

Meredith, Jennifer and Marisa

Friday, June 7, 2013

If You Like It, Than You Should Have Put A...

You know the song, and you know what the song is trying to say. If you love something, then claim it. The same can be said for Christ. If you love Him, claim Him.

“For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory”. Colossians 3:3 – 4 (NIV)

And how does one die to self? Through a public proclamation, the most common and accepted form of this being baptism. Baptism is an important rite of passage in a spiritual life. The process of baptism is symbolic of letting go of your old life, where sin was your master and embracing a new life that Christ reveals in you. The act of being submerged in the water is a metaphor for our former life dying. When you are brought back out of the water you are rising as a new person in Christ. Just as Christ died and rose again anew, we mimic this when we accept Him into our lives, publicly proclaiming our choice.

Why proclaim all of this to the world? Our question is why not? What is there to hide? Christ did not hide when it was time to pay the ultimate price for our sins. What is there to fear? Now we are not saying you will never be afraid, we are afraid sometimes, but what we are saying is that even Christ was afraid, but He loved us enough to allow Himself to be crucified to save us. If Christ could submit Himself to the ridicule and the torture of being crucified, then we can stand before the world and claim Him.

To being wise,

Meredith, Jennifer and Marisa